Write This, Not That

Genealogists.com is one of the world’s largest family history research firms, and we continue to grow at a remarkable rate.  We currently are hiring for several positions, including Project Manager and Sales Manager.  Consequently, it seems we are always seeking additional researchers.   Given this fact, we thought it might be helpful if we shared some…


Who Is Genealogists.com?

Genealogists.com provides high quality family history research at the most affordable price possible. We specialize in: Obtaining copies of original documents from archives and libraries around the world Breaking down difficult brick walls and solving complex family history problems Strengthening and extending family trees   Who We Are Genealogists.com has created one of the largest…


Genealogy Pox

Incidence Though it can strike at any age, this dread disease rarely affects children or young adults, and rarely becomes serious until after middle age. Contagion The cause and manner of transmission of the Pox are poorly understood. It is generally only mildly contagious, requiring relatively prolonged exposure to one afflicted with it. However, some…
