Halloween Ritual and The Gentle Call to the Cemeteries

By Jeanne Rollberg Boo! The commercialized Halloween holiday in the United States reminds us of costume parties, spooks, goblins, spiders’ webs, witches, skeletons and cemeteries. Usually shortly after Halloween, countries all over the world – from Germany to Sweden to Latin American countries’ Dia de los Muertos – celebrate ancestors’ lives with multiple-day events, many…

American Presidents and Presidential Libraries: Their Genealogy and Yours! (Part 2)

By Jeanne Rollberg Click here to read more, and learn the context of this post, American President and Presidential Libraries: Their Genealogy and Yours! (Part 1)! In the first part of a series on presidential libraries, we identified some of the reasons that they are fascinating repositories to explore if a family is connected either…