Thank you for being part of the, the largest family history research firm in the world. Our network of professional genealogists or dream team as we like to call them consists of over 1,000 professional genealogists, historians, DNA experts, librarians/archivists, and university professors/scholars–people just like you, who work on-site in thousands of locations and archives throughout the world.

Experts such as you are in every state in the United States, every country in the United Kingdom and South America, every nation in Europe, and in many other locations around the world, including Australia, China, and Canada. Because of our researchers such as you, we are able to help thousands of people with their family history research. specializes in:

  • Breaking down difficult brick walls and solving complex family history challenges
  • Strengthening and extending family trees
  • Establishing proof required to join lineage societies
  • Tracing and identifying bloodlines, such as Native American
  • Obtaining copies of original documents from archives and libraries around the world
  • Analyzing DNA test results by the industry’s leading experts

We look forward to working with you. In your work at, you will be working with a Project Manager. Your Project Manager will:

  • Be your main point of contact for any questions about your research project
  • Help you understand the needed requirements for the research project
  • Help you ensure that the client’s objectives are met as well as possible given the constraints of time and budget
  • Manage the project budget and ensure that the target completion date is met

In these pages, you can learn more about: