We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Fairfax County Public Library Virginia Room in Washington, D.C.

The collections include:

  • Cemetery survey of over 350 church, commercial, community, family, fraternal, institutional, military, slave and unknown cemeteries
  • Washington Post newspaper (1877-1994)
  • Bibliographies of Civil War ancestors
  • Guides to European research, including Austria and Hungary, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scandanavia, Spain and Latin America, Switzerland and the Ukraine
  • Fairfax County historical photographs
  • Local newspapers, including Civil War soldier lists
  • Jewish genealogy materials including guides, indexes of vital records from 1808 and revision lists from 1795, immigration resources, and Jewish origin families in America before 1840

We’ll search records for you and email you digital images of what we find.

Research fees in the Fairfax County Public Library Virginia Room begin at $300 per project.

We also have Washington, D.C. genealogists.

To request in-depth research, request a research quote.

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