Catholic Genealogists

We have genealogists whose specialty is researching Catholic records. They will find and analyze the best records available to further your family history research.

Our professional researchers can do research projects of many sizes and for many budgets. We customize the amount of research provided according to your needs.
Archives of the Catholic Diocese of Saint John

We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Archives of the Catholic Diocese of Saint John in St. John, New Brunswick.
This archive contains:
Catholic parish sacramental records before 1900
Several hundred thousand family group sheets
Interment records after 1900
Diocesan newspaper, “The New Freeman”, containing post-1900 marriages and obituaries
Church membership lists
Pew rental books
Parish minute books
We also have New Brunswick genealogists.
To request in-depth research, request a research quote.

Catholic Bishopric Archive in Bamberg

We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Bamberg, Germany.
The Catholic Bishopric Archive in Bamberg has many genealogical records.
We’ll search records for you and email you digital images of what we find.
Research fees in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Bamberg begin at $300 per project.
We also have Germany genealogists

Catholic Bishopric Archive in Passau

We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Passau, Germany.
The Catholic Bishopric Archive in Passau has many genealogical records.
We’ll search records for you and email you digital images of what we find.
Research fees in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Passau begin at $300 per project.
We also have Germany genealogists

Catholic Bishopric Archive in Regensburg

We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Regensburg, Germany.
The Catholic Bishopric Archive in Regensburg has many genealogical records.
We’ll search records for you and email you digital images of what we find.
Research fees in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Regensburg begin at $300 per project.
We also have Germany genealogists

Catholic Bishopric Archive in Wurzburg

We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Wurzburg, Germany.
The Catholic Bishopric Archive in Wurzburg has many genealogical records.
We’ll search records for you and email you digital images of what we find.
Research fees in the Catholic Bishopric Archive in Wurzburg begin at $300 per project.
We also have Germany genealogists
To request in-depth research, request a research quote.

Chicago Catholic Archdiocese Archives

We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Chicago Catholic Archdiocese Archives in Chicago, Illinois.
The Chicago Catholic Archdiocese Archives has many genealogical records including Catholic church records on closed parishes.
We’ll search records for you and email you digital images of what we find.
Research fees in the Chicago Catholic Archdiocese Archives begin at $300 per project.
We also have Illinois genealogists.
To request in-depth research, request a research quote.

Katholiek Documentatie Centrum (Catholic Documentation Center)

We have genealogists who perform in-depth research in the Katholiek Documentatie Centrum (Catholic Documentation Center) in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
The Katholiek Documentatie Centrum (Catholic Documentation Center) is one of the largest archives of the Roman Catholic church.
We’ll search records for you and email you digital images of what we find.
Research fees in the Katholiek Documentatie Centrum (Catholic Documentation Center) begin at $300 per project.

We also have Netherlands genealogists.

To request in-depth research, request a research quote.

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